A Little History

Tragedy & Ballrooms

When Betty was born, her biological mother died shortly thereafter. Perplexed and looking for answers, her father, Jasper Bell, eventually discovered the reasons why such tragedies happen. He studied the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, much of it by correspondence and learned that his new baby girl, along with her three older sisters, would meet their mum again! - John 5:28, 29

Jeff and Betty, pictured here, were married in Launceston, Tasmania.  Their early life including living in Hobart and on King Island.  Weekends on the island were often filled with smart suits and ballroom gowns as they won many ballroom dancing competitions together.  But after moving to Adelaide, South Australia, a little gem of advice started Betty and Jeff on the road to life.

Read more about Betty's Hope for the future
Jeff and Betty Wedding

Life starts now

Betty often made it known that if she should die before Jehovah restored the earth to a paradise, she really only wanted people to know about her life after becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses. She would remark, "That is when my life began."

That little gem we mentioned earlier, was her father telling Betty; "If ever Jehovah's Witnesses should come to your door, please, ask them in and give them a drink." Apparently they both took Jesus words at Matthew 25:35 very literally. 

The rest is history as they say. Giving a drink to one of Jehovah's Witnesses on a hot Adelaide morning, ended up with both Dad and Mum studying the Bible and beginning their walk in the way of truth.  In the picture, Gary, Jennifer and Rodney in arms, Betty would be an instrumental support to Jeff in giving a wonderful spiritual heritage to their young family.

Read more about Betty's Hope to Live on Earth Again
Early South Australia

Island life

Living on an island would continue for Betty when the family moved from South Australia to the island state of Tasmania. Betty's life revolved around her children, always working hard supporting Jeff and making sure the children were raised to understand Bible truths and knowing Jehovah well.

Bible studies continued with the aid of the Walker family, then residing in Ulverstone, Tasmania.  In 1962, Betty and Jeff were baptised and continued in the way of truth they had come to love. In addition to caring for the children, she also cared for her stand-in mum, Rosetta Mary (Molly) Bell who was both auntie and step-mother.

The picture shows Betty, Rodney Jennifer, Molly Bell and Gary.

Read more about studying the Bible in Tasmania
Betty and kids with Ethel Bell

Pioneer Service

Despite ill health throughout her mid-life years, Betty was keen to share in the Kingdom preaching work, frequently Temporary Pioneering as Auxiliary Pioneering was then known. Her long time goal was finally reached in 1986 when she joined Jeff as a Regular Pioneer in the Margate Congregation on the Redcliffe Peninsula in Queensland.

Rodney recounts; "I often joke, I went to school with my Dad, and Karen went to school with my Mum!"  Both Rodney and Jeff , followed by Betty and Karen attended their first Pioneer Service Schools together.  Betty and Karen's school was held at the Nambour Kingdom Hall. 

The picture shows Jeff and Betty as life and pioneer partners in the late 80's as part of the Rothwell Congregation.

Read more about Regular Pioneering
Dad and Mum Pioneer Days


Betty loved to go somewhere!  In her earlier days, a horse was a favourite mode of transport.  But later, a drive in the hills, crossing the Nullarbor Plain by car, a flight to Tasmania or even a sail on Moreton Bay as shown in the picture with Gary, Jeff and Betty aboard SY Mar-De-Lea.

Sailing on Morton Bay

Gone flying

Betty never let the idea of a little adventure get in the way of her love of seeing new places. In this picture, she enjoyed travelling with Gary and Rodney by light aircraft to Merimbula, NSW.  Jeff however wasn't always that keen. But that never stopped them doing it anyway! And for Betty, if it means time with the family, do it!

Merimbula Flight

A life-long habit

Every morning, for as long as she had the ability to do it, Betty read the Bible!  The kettle would boil, tea was made and the Bible was read. Even when Betty was fading, you could start reading a scripture aloud - and many times Betty would finish it.

Pictured here during her time in the Buderim Congregation, Mum takes advantage of good light to read God's Word.

And that is how we and many others remember Betty. A pragmatic woman, having an appreciation for spiritual things, dedicated to her God and caring for her family. 

We hope this little snapshot of Mum's 93 years helped you know her a little better.  The rest of the story we will leave to her after she is resurrected back to a paradise earth.  

Betty read daily from Gods Word
Read Gods Word Daily


Betty's living children and siblings, Gary, Rodney, Jean and Brian, along with Mavis, Margaret, Karen, grandchildren, nephews and nieces, all express our gratitude for your wonderful support, comforting messages and enduring friendships.

Numbers 6:24-26