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30 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Hi Gary, Rodney & family.
    We are so sad to return to aus and hear of aunty Betty dieing, and soon after Maureen. It was nice to see you Gary and Margaret yesterday.

    Isn’t it comforting that our loved ones are only sleeping.

    Won’t resurrections be an amazing event?

    Love to you all, Royce & Heather.

  2. Hi Gary, Rodney and families.
    What a lovely way to remember “Aunty Betty” (and “uncle Jeff”).
    I remember fondly attending the CBS group in Preston and hoping that your Mum would invite us for supper, which she often did. Always warm and hospitable.
    Us kids would be enjoying the cakes etc while dad and Jeff on occasion would go rabbiting.
    We would pick up Mary Porter at North Motton and return her home after the group.
    We’d stop and pick up pea vines that had fallen off the trucks on the way to the “pea viners”.
    Gary, you took the book study at age 16 if I remember rightly with Jim Brearley giving you a bit of a hard time.
    You guys have portrayed your parents accurately as setting you all on the road to everlasting life – they gave you life in more ways then one.
    Looking forward to catching up with them again soon.
    Our very warm love
    Owen and Penny

  3. Hello Rodney and Gary, I am writing to you on behalf of your Aunty Jean. Jean was most upset to hear the news of her beloved sister Bette, even at 95, Jean can clearly recollect many times spent with your mum and dad, and when we visit she quite often lovingly does. When her son Tony drives down Military Road here at Semaphore, he always says “There’s Aunty Bette and Uncle Jeff’s house”, he also has very fond memories of your mum and dad. I only wish I had the opportunity to meet them. Wishing you all the best on behalf of Aunty Jean and Tony Nilson.

  4. Dear Gary, Rodney and families: Thank you for the very nicely set-out depiction of your Mum’s life. She surely had an influence on many people. Carmen and I had the pleasure of knowing both Mum and Dad especially while we served in Burnie. We stopped with them a few times, once in training for circuit work, and at other times when a DC was held in Ulverstone. So we have happy memories, and certainly look forward to meeting up with them again when they both return to life. Please take care. Greg and Carmen Frank

  5. Unfortunately we never had the privileged to meet Betty buy from her history I can see how zealous and positive she was and how beautiful that she accumulated treasures in heaven, then when we will meet her in the paradise we can tell her that her example was an inspiration for us.
    We love you Margaret and Gary and we are keep you both in our prayers from the far New Zealand.

  6. Dear Gary, Margaret & Family

    We would love to express our sadness to you all in the passing of our faithful and loving sister Betty. We would also like to say a big thank you for such a thoughtful way of honouring the life of lovely Betty who made a huge impact in my life personally at the Rothwell congregation.

    Betty was a wealth of good spiritual advice to me when I needed someone to confide in. She always referred to the scriptures when I would talk to her and her lovely way of making sense in a spiritual way seemed to soften things over and her staunch reminders of Jehovahs principles were always refreshing and upbuilding.

    I will never forget her faith and her reliance on Jehovah. This has strengthened me many times throughout my Christian walk with Jehovah.

    Betty was kind, diplomatic and staunchly reverent about the love of Jehovah and the necessity to rely on him.

    She has made an indelible touching impact on my life as did Jeff and their love and support will always be remembered. Not just by me but more importantly in Jehovah’s book of life.

    Thank you for your consideration and your love in giving something to Betty’s friends so that we too can celebrate & remember her life. It was an honour to be a part of it.

    Till the new world we look forward soon Betty for the wonderful pleasure of your company again. Enjoy the rest, you deserve it my dear sister ❤

    Warm christian Love to Gary, Margaret and the family during this difficult time. ⚘

    Maria & Ian Hensch
    Deception Bay Congregation.

  7. Dear Gary, Margaret and families.
    David and I love you and keep you in our prayers that Jehovah wraps his arms around you and brings you comfort until mum and dad are with you again. What a beautiful example your parents have been to all of us. From our hearts to yours….😘

  8. I have fond memories of being in the congregation together with you and hubby for several years in Rothwell. It was with sadness that I heard of your passing, but I rejoice in the hope that you also held that we will see you again very soon. Both of us in health, youth and residing in a beautiful world that our Creator Jehovah will arrange. Love and hugs to your beautiful family. You are all in my prayers ♥️

  9. Dear Gary and Margaret, Rodney and Karen and families

    So sorry to hear about your mum, we loved reading all about her life story and seeing such beautiful photos of everyone. Can’t wait to hear the whole story when we see her soon in the future.
    We send our love to you all…..xx

    Love Jas and Deb and Peter and Lorrain

  10. Hi, Rodney & Karen. We feel so sorry because your mother has passed away. We are looking forward to know her and your father when Jehovah resurrected them in the Paradise. We hope Jehovah do that as soon as possible. Much encoragement, family from your friends from Vigo, Spain

  11. Dear Rodney and Gary,

    So sad to hear about the loss of your mum, but what a blessing to have had such a spiritual mum (and dad) to give you such a great start and support in your careers in Jehovah’s service. No doubt, in the new world with all those millions of new bible studies to be started she will be in the thick of it wanting to help so many more start on the road to life.

    Warmest love
    Tony and Natalie Lamari
    Ps 37:4

  12. How beautiful to reflect on the best and most rewarding moments of her life. Thank you all so much for opening up your family to us and sharing this! It was so encouraging to see her at the meetings in those last few years and to now understand a little bit more of her faithful history! What a fine example and record to be remembered as a loving,caring,hard working mother, servant and friend. Jehovahs book receives another precious name. Our hearts go to all the family feeling her loss until reunited again in a happier healthier world xx

  13. Thank you for sharing your mum’s life story. She was an amazing, faithful woman and Jehovah holds her safely in his memory until you can be together again. Thinking of you during this painful time x

  14. Lovely history of your Mum’s life. I will always remember her sense of humour and appreciation for spiritual things right up to the end. When we visited her in the nursing home she would always ask us to read the daily text to her and she enjoyed it so much it was an encouragement to us. She also had a deep love for her family and growing up in Tasmania and had many stories to tell.

    Love to all the family.

  15. What a beautiful remembrance of our dear sister Betty and a life well spent in Jehovah’s Service. We look forward to meeting her again in Paradise. Thank you to all the Spaulding family for sharing this special history of your loving mum and dad. Love to you all, Hyacinth and Sandra.

  16. Another faithful servant waiting to hear his voice to come out. What a time ahead we are waiting for. She will not only have gone to sleep, satisfied with her lifetime of service, but what Joy she must have had knowing how her children and grandchildren have carried on the same life of service too Jehovah. We look forward to meeting again in the anew World.

  17. We loved Betty she was such a special part of our lives, Vesna loved her like a Mum has Betty was always encouraging her and making sure she was alright, loved her sense of humour and we were so encouraged by her love for Jehovah. We certainly miss her and cant wait to catch up with her in the new world. Love to you all we thank Jehovah for such a beautiful spiritual family that we got to know, thank you all for your fine example.

  18. Thank you all the Spaulding family for sharing this wonderful life story. What an excellent example of true faith and endurance. It had really reached my heart. Thinking of all of you at this time, but looking forward to the time when we welcome her back. Warmest Lovett you all.

  19. So very sorry to hear about the loss of your mum. We didn’t get the opportunity to meet her but we look forward to being with you to welcome her back VERY soon. With love, Brandon and Shannon Salter xoxo

  20. Spaulding Family
    All of us born into the truth are so grateful for the training and sterling example set by our parents. Your mum was a fine example of deep love of the truth and her life’s service to Jehovah was proof of that. She has found a ‘place to rest’ on the road to everlasting life. Jehovah is yearning for us all to meet our dear parents again. We can’t wait. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Spaulding family at this sad time but joyful in the assured expectation of the fulfilment of God’s promises – one of which is a resurrection of all those sleeping in death.

  21. What a wonderful summation of a life well spent in Jehovah’s service. A lovely tribute to a lovely sister and friend. Look forward to seeing her cheeky smile again in the new world. Love to you all.

  22. G’day brothers,
    We are all missing Betty. She was always happy and friendly. I would sometimes chat with her at her home in Rothwell. As well as at the hall.
    She has a well paid for ticket, on a sleeper train to the New System, where hopefully we can chat with her again.
    Your mum is in safe hands. Now all we need to do is get through this wicked system to see her again.

  23. Dear Gary, Rodney & Family.
    What a beautiful history you have written about “Aunty Betty”. I remember fondly the trips to Preston for the Book Study with Dad & Mum. The big fire and the supper afterwards.
    I look forward to welcoming back all our faithful loved ones asleep in death – for not much longer.
    Please draw comfort in know you are in our prayers and thoughts. Much Love Ron & Louise Popp (Matthews)

  24. Lots of love to the family on the passing of a beautiful gentle person , no doubt in Jehovah’s memory and soon to be seen again in the Resurection.

  25. Dear Gary, Rodney and families, We send our deepest sympathies on the loss of your mum. Thank you for sharing this lovely insight into Sister Betty’s rich life. We look forward to the time when such heartaches will be a thing of the past (Isaiah 65:17). Warm love, Tom & Ruth

  26. To All the Spalding Family,
    Thank you for sharing such a Beautiful experience of your Faithful Mum and Dad.
    Even though your heart hurts at the Death of your Loved. I’m certain the words at 1 Thess 4:13 ” …Moreover, brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who are sleeping in death, so that you may not sorrow as the rest do who have no hope”
    May Our Loving Heavenly Father Jehovah Hold You in His Arms and calm the hurt. So Close is the day of Welcoming all those asleep, Back.
    You will be in My Prayers, Much Love, Lesley Moore xxxx

  27. Christian love from Michael and Georgia Turkalj to all the Famely and may Jahovah bless you All .

  28. What a beautiful faithful woman. Aunty Bet certainly made a good name with Jehovah.
    Can’t wait to see her, Aunty Hay and Grandma again…just around the corner. Lots of love Lisa 💕💐

  29. Betty was the epitome of a capable wife. A sweet sweet lady. She dealt with tragedy and triumph. Always relying on Jehovah. She certainly succeeded in helping Jeff to inculcate in her boys a desire to serve Jehovah whole souled and wholeheartedly.
    Now she is in Jehovah’s memory
    I loved the life story and pictures. It was certainly a lovely way to provide a memorial for your sweet sweet Mum. With love to all the spauldings

  30. Rodney so sorry to hear about your mom ….what a beautiful way you and family have made the write up about our dear spiritual sister Betty … We did not know her personally but now we have a glimpse of who we will meet in paradise … and the little gems in those extra boxes … for all to be encourage … thank you for sharing … we love you guys … a big hug to you and Karen

    Mike and Lynda von innerebner

    2 Corinthians 4:18

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